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Augmented Reality Innovation Blog

How can you use AR to create interactive billboards and ads?

Imagine walking down a bustling urban street, and your eyes are drawn to a seemingly ordinary billboard.

As you approach, you notice a small AR symbol in the corner. You open your smartphone's AR app and point it at the billboard, and suddenly, the static image comes to life. Here's how you can use AR to create interactive billboards and ads that captivate your audience:

Augmented Reality Holograms

Your billboard displays a 3D holographic image of your product or mascot. Passersby can interact with it, rotate it, and even take selfies with the virtual creation. This dynamic, eye-catching experience keeps them engaged and more likely to remember your brand.


Let customers virtually "try on" clothing, accessories, or cosmetics by scanning a QR code on the billboard. They can see how the products look on them using their smartphone's camera and AR technology, increasing their confidence in making a purchase.

Interactive Contests

Run interactive contests or games on your billboard. Users can compete for prizes by engaging with the ad through their smartphones. This not only grabs attention but also fosters a sense of excitement and involvement.

Real-Time Information

Display real-time information, such as weather updates, traffic conditions, or stock market data alongside your product or message. This utility not only serves your audience but also associates your brand with helpful, up-to-the-minute information.

Location-Based Promotions

Utilize geolocation features to tailor your messages. When a potential customer walks by your billboard, their phone receives a notification with a personalized offer or discount code for nearby stores, creating a sense of urgency and driving foot traffic.

Educational Experiences

Create interactive educational billboards. Museums, for example, can use AR to offer historical context or 3D models related to their exhibitions, making the ads informative and intriguing.

Storytelling Adventures

Turn your billboard into the beginning of an immersive narrative. When users scan the AR code, they embark on a virtual journey that unfolds as they explore and interact with different elements of the ad. This storytelling approach connects customers emotionally with your brand.

By incorporating these creative uses of AR into your billboards and ads, you transform passive viewers into engaged participants, leaving a lasting impression and increasing the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.